! CPT OptiLink Optical Storage Server

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OptiLink Optical Storage Server

OptiLink highlights

  • Auto Discovery - OptiLink automatically recognizes a supported optical device by its response to a SCSI inquiry command and configures itself to the attached device. Supported devices can be handled in any combination and there is no effective limit to the number of platters that can be tracked and managed.
  • Object Integrity - Maintaining the integrity of data objects committed to the optical platter is of paramount importance. For this reason, OptiLink writes are done using the WRITE WITH VERIFY command with blank checking enabled. In addition, OptiLink enforces exclusive open on a given optical device and the routine that commits objects to the platter and does not return a "good" status until the object and its associated metadata information have been successfully written to the platter. This allows a platter to be exported from one system and imported to another without having to go through any additional steps such as making a backup or flushing directories.
  • Optimized Read Performance - To achieve best performance in reading objects back from the optical sub-system, the object is written sequentially onto the platter and an enhanced read mechanism is utilized to expedite the retrieval of objects.
  • Fail Safe Architecture - This facility ensures that if the database or its application is inoperable, the stored objects are still accessible through the OptiLink Administration interface.
  • Broad Support - OptiLink supports all major database systems and a broad range of WORM and MO optical media from the ANSI/ISO 5.25 inch up to the14 inch formats. Optical devices can be supported in either a standalone mode or in a variety of jukebox configurations.
  • Optical Media Portability - Optical volumes are self-describing so platters written on one platform can be "read and written" on any other. As client needs become more demanding, the optical drives can be migrated to higher performance server platforms.
  • Information Asset Protection - Due to the nature of WORM optical media, all objects committed to storage are protected indefinitely. Additionally, OptiLink provides for the archival of object from platters to tape - while the platter remains online.
  • OptiLink Components

    Administration Commands

    The administrative commands provided with OptiLink afford the system administrator with complete control over optical libraries and standalone optical drives. Administrators can create named platters, list the file content of a platter, add or remove optical jukeboxes, and import or export platters in an optical jukebox. All of the commands are available at the UNIX command line and can be incorporated into shell scripts to customize the maintenance of your environment. The following is a complete list of the commands available:

    Media Management Commands

    These commands control optical media.

    on-line, archive of optical media. Supports archive levels and allows I/O during the archive.
    synchronize volume information recorded on optical media with OptiLink media management tables.
    remove a platter from an optical library or drive.
    insert a platter into an optical library or stand alone drive.
    display volume information for a mounted platter
    list volumes in a jukebox
    initialize a platter with a family name and volume number.
    list the files found on a volume
    move platter from slot to slot within an optical library.
    restore archived volume using the output from oparchive.
    mount a volume in stand alone optical drive.
    dismount a volume in a stand alone optical drive.
    display the free space remaining on an optical volume.
    spindown a platter and enable dismounting.
    Mounter Commands

    These commands start and stop the OptiLink media manager, opmounter.

    daemon managing optical environment.
    opqrm, opstop
    halt the mounter daemon, opmounter.
    Diagnostic Commands

    These commands diagnose SCSI connections.

    display jukebox SCSI mode sense information.
    set jukebox driver diagnostic messaging level.
    display jukebox element status.
    display optical drive SCSI mode sense information.
    scan optical media returning written or blank sector locations.
    set optical driver diagnostic message level.
    low level drive access utility.

    Optical Device Driver

    The optical platter device driver is a raw character device driver that transparently supports most of the optical platter devices on the market today. This optical device driver can control any of the supported optical drives found in the section titled "Supported Optical Drives". It is also possible with this same driver to control optical drives from different manufacturers connected to the same server at the same time.

    Jukebox Device Driver

    A single jukebox device driver transparently operates with all jukeboxes listed in the section titled "Supported Jukebox Devices". The jukebox device drive is able to concurrently manage multiple jukebox sub-systems from the same or different manufacturers.

    Optical File System

    OPTICAL FILE SYSTEM (OFS) describes the format of information on optical media; the volume label, object file format, and directory structure. The structure of this information is similar to the ANSI tape label format but it has been modified to allow random access. In the industry this is commonly referred to as a "Log Based File System". The format of each optical volume is as follows:

  • The first sector of each volume contains information describing the family the platter belongs to and its volume number within that family
  • Following the first sector are one or more optical objects, each preceded by a one sector descriptor of that object
  • At the end of the media is the directory structure which grows from the center of the media outward. Each directory entry contains a one sector description of an object found on that volume and its location
  • Key OFS advantages include:
    1. Data Integrity
      Objects and their metadata are written using WRITE WITH VERIFY.
      Metadata is written before a commit returns success.
      The optical volumes are self-describing (all information necessary to access all objects on the platter can be retrieved from the platter).
    2. Performance
      Objects are written to consecutive sectors so that they can be accessed with a single seek.
      All outstanding requests for a given volume are satisfied before the volume is removed from the drive.
    3. Flexibility
      Platters written on any supported platform can be read and written on any other supported platform.
      Supported jukeboxes an standalone drives can be used in any combination.
      Volume sizes up to 2 terabytes (more than enough for the foreseeable future) are supported.
      There is no limit on the number of volumes that can be tracked.
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